Bolstering Your Mentoring Skillset

We are excited for you to engage in this pilot designed to help you identify and bolster your mentoring skillset. When we mentor in meaningful relationships, we meet people where they are and help them find and achieve their purpose, enhancing their experience as students, staff, and faculty on our campuses.

This pilot is uniquely designed to help you develop skills in each of the four competency areas our team of expert leaders identified as foundational to mentoring in meaningful relationships. Participation in this pilot will also connect you with colleagues across the campus. The feedback you provided through participation in listening sessions and our summer survey also guided the identification of these competencies. They are:

  • Cultivating empowered relationships with others
  • Supporting growth and learning
  • Developing your critical consciousness
  • Enhancing your own interpersonal skills

Participation in this pilot will happen over steps, detailed below. If you have any questions about this pilot experience, please reach out to Emily Krechel at

Step One: Pre-assessment

We all possess the capacity to apply mentoring skills in our meaningful relationships. This pre-assessment is designed to help you tailor your professional development by identifying specific skills you may want to focus on to maximize the potential of the learning pathway. Complete the pre-assessment by March 15, 2024.

Step Two: Complete the Learning Pathway

The pathway is embedded within the LinkedIn Learning platform. You do not need a LinkedIn profile to access the pathway; use Elon credentials to login. The pathway is available in both English and Spanish. The results of your pre-assessment are intended to help you identify which content within each competency area to focus on while navigating through the learning pathway.

When you open up the pathway, you will see the four competencies with three LinkedIn Learning courses under each. You should plan to complete at least one full course under each competency. Each course focuses on a different skill related to that competency. Remember, you get to self-select the skill you want to develop in each of the competency areas. The courses range in time and incorporate shorter videos for you to engage with. When you complete an entire course, you will receive a badge, which you can display on your LinkedIn profile (if you have one).

The first two competency areas should be completed by April 19, 2024. This will enable the communities of practice to have substantive discussions, which is part of step three. The final two courses should be completed by May 31, 2024. All courses should be completed before the second meeting of the communities of practice in June.

Step Three: Attend Two Community of Practices Sessions

While the pathways are asynchronous, we want to cultivate a community of practice designed to provide staff and faculty a space to share and reflect upon their experiences with others. You need to attend two community of practices meetings. This will be a space to reflect not only on the courses you have completed and what you have learned about yourself and/or mentoring skills, but these meetings will also create an opportunity to reflect on the meaningful relationships you have. Choose one date/time from each section below and mark your calendars. Sign-ups will be sent later in the spring semester.

April/May Community of Practice

  • April 29, 2024 from 4-5 p.m.
  • May 10, 2024 from 9-10 a.m.

June Community of Practice

  • June 3, 2024 from 4-5 p.m.
  • June 11, 2024 from 9-10 a.m.

Step Four: Post-assessment

The post-assessment is designed to highlight your growth and learning after completing this pilot. It will also be an opportunity for you to share feedback with the Mentoring Design Team as we work to provide recommendations to enhance professional development opportunities for staff and faculty to bolster their mentoring skillset.