Weekly Opportunities

  • Numen Lumen – Music and personal reflections, Thursdays 9:50-10:20am in the Sacred Space
  • Iron Tree Blooming – Meditation Club on Thursdays at 4:30pm in the Meditation Garden beside Numen Lumen Pavilion or inside in the McBride Gathering Space
  • Yoga – Classes offered through Faculty/Staff Health and Wellness

Contemplative Pedagogy Faculty Group

This working group supports faculty Mindfulness and the incorporation of Contemplative Pedagogy within new and existing courses and academic offerings. The group has been active at Elon University since 2011, and several Elon faculty members have attended and presented at multiple conferences for Contemplative Pedagogy, including annual conferences of the Association for the Contemplative Mind in Higher Education (ACMHE) and the yearly Creating a Mindful Campus conference at UNC-Asheville. Contact Kelsey Bitting for more information.

Mindfulness Employee Resource Group

The new science of performance. The power of mindfulness is to improve self-regulation, to enhance social relationships in the workplace, make employees more resilient in the face of challenges, and increase task performance. Overall to improve your well-being. Contact Jennifer Smith.

Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning

CATL has worked closely with the Contemplative Pedagogy Group to support faculty attending conferences and trainings in contemplative practices in higher education. In 2013, Elon received a Contemplative Mind Teaching and Learning Grant submitted by Professors Resa Walch and Peter Felten, and in 2014, Felten presented the keynote address at the ACMHE accunal conference, “Toward mindful assessments: Inquiry in and as practice.”

Faculty/Staff Health and Wellness Clinic

Health and Wellness offers programs and workshops throughout the year to support Mindfulness and holistic well-being for faculty and staff.

Religious and Spiritual Life

The chaplains recognize the importance of Mindful awareness and compassion for spiritual life and holistic well-being for all Elon University community members (religious and non-religious). Numen Lumen Pavilion has a meditation garden and spaces for meditation and prayer, and there is a labyrinth beside Holt Chapel for walking meditation.