Elon College team takes honors in computing contest

ELON COLLEGE – A team from Elon College placed first among other state colleges and universities in a recent Association for Computing Machinery Mid-Atlantic Programming contest sponsored by IBM.

The team of three students placed fourth among undergraduate institutions in the Mid-Atlantic region. It was 21st among the 139 undergraduate and graduate institutions that competed in the contest held Nov. 14 at Duke University. Team members were Jason Wohlgemuth, a junior computer science major who is son of John S. Wohlgemuth of Annapolis, Md.: Greg Jardin, a senior computer science major who is the son of Robert Jardin of Silver Spring, Md.; and Brian Baker, a sophomore computer science major who is the son of Mark Baker of Sering, Fla.

The teams were given five hours to solve eight quantitative problems. The teams were coached by Jon Berry, assistant professor of computer science, who is an Elon College resident.

Two other teams also competed. Their members were Lisa Grignon, a senior who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grignon of Charlotte; John Marshall, a sophomore of Montgomery, Ala.; Randy Miyaoka, a sophomore who is the son of Lester Miyaoka of Fairfax, Va.; Hidekazu Akamine, a sophomore from Okinawa; Greg Chakmakian, a senior who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Chakmakian of Shepherdstown, W.Va.; and Jeff Gariepy, a freshman who is the son of Glenn L. Gariepy of Cumberland, R.I.
