Elon to graduate first Master of Physical Therapy class

ELON COLLEGE, N.C. — Forty-four students will make up the first graduating class in Elon College’s Master of Physical Therapy program. The students will receive their master’s degrees at commencement ceremonies at the college on Saturday, May 20.

A special hooding ceremony to honor the graduates will be held at 2:30 p.m., Sunday, April 30, in McCrary Theater of the Faith Rockefeller Model Center for the Arts. Helen Hislop, professor emeritus of the University of Southern California, will give the address. Four graduates will be presented student awards.

The Department of Physical Therapy Education was created in October 1996 to extend Elon’s mission of excellence to a new arena of professional education. It offers students an opportunity to prepare for multifaceted roles in the physical therapy profession. The charter class was enrolled in January 1998.

Elon’s MPT program is in partnership with Alamance Regional Medical Center, and entails two years and four months of full-time study.
