Elon to host Council on Undergraduate Research business meeting

Elon University will host the 23rd annual Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) Councilor business meeting June 20-23. More than 130 people are expected to attend.

The Council on Undergraduate Research was founded in 1978. It is a national organization of individuals and institutions of higher learning which is committed to strengthening faculty research programs in predominantly undergraduate colleges and universities. CUR provides avenues for faculty development, helps administrators improve and assess research on their own campuses, and offers undergraduate summer research fellowships for students to work with faculty mentors.

“We are interested in increasing the academic challenge for our students,” says Mary Wise, assistant vice president of academic affairs. “Research is becoming an integral part of the curriculum for Elon students, and our association with CUR emphasizes the importance we place on providing meaningful research experiences for our students. Hosting the CUR councilors gives Elon an opportunity to show educators from other parts of the country who we are and what we are doing with student research.”

CUR councilors provide general direction and leadership for the organization, which has 3,000 members representing more than 850 institutions.
