The most talented and qualified freshman class in the 112-year history of Elon University will start the new academic year with a new student convocation at 9 a.m., Saturday, Aug. 25, Under the Oaks in front of West Dormitory.
Fifty-three percent of this year’s projected 1,230 freshmen graduated in the top quarter of their high school classes. The average SAT score of entering Elon freshmen has increased every year since 1993. This year’s average score is 1125, 10 points higher than last year.
Students entering as Fellows, which recognize excellence in honors, science, business, leadership, journalism/communications and teaching, make up 13 percent of the freshman class. They have an average SAT of 1228 and an average high school grade point average of 3.92. Presidential Scholars make up 28 percent of the class, with an average SAT score of 1222 and an average high school GPA of 3.90.
Members of the freshman class come from 39 states. Twenty-two percent of the class comes from North Carolina, while Maryland and Virginia each account for 13 percent of incoming freshmen. Eleven percent of the class is from the New England states, 10 percent is from Florida/Georgia, 8 percent is from New York/New Jersey and 6 percent each is from Pennsylvania and Ohio/West Virginia. There are 26 new international students who will begin orientation Wednesday, Aug. 22.
This year’s total projected enrollment of 4,330, including graduate students, is about 200 more than last year.
Top intended majors of incoming students are journalism/ communications, business/accounting/economics, education, biology, psychology and sports medicine.