U.S. News & World Report college guide features Elon

The 2002 edition of “America’s Best Colleges,” the nation’s largest circulation college guide published by U.S. News & World Report, features Elon University in an article titled “A few fine names you may not know: Wonderful schools that aren’t (yet) renowned.” The feature story concentrates on outstanding “student-centered” schools that do not have the same kind of name recognition as Ivy League schools or large research universities.

The guide, which was available on newsstands Sept. 10, cites the National Survey of Student Engagement, which named Elon as one of the nation’s top four schools for providing students with close student-faculty interaction, challenging academics, and a collaborative, enriching and supportive learning environment.

In referring to Elon and the three other schools (Beloit, Centre and Sweet Briar colleges), U.S. News & World Report noted that learning is “often a round-the-clock experience” at these institutions.

“What the blue-ribbon colleges share is an intimate size and setting that allow for plentiful individual student attention from faculty.”
The article points out that at Elon, community service is integrated into the curriculum. “Students in Betty Morgan’s American government class, for instance, have volunteered in homeless shelters and the judicial system – and the 20 hours they put in are just as key to the course as the text. ‘Suddenly, the quality of the discourse changes completely,’ notes Morgan. Elon senior Donnie Wickline spent the spring of 2000 interning at an obstetrics clinic in London and will be volunteering at a clinic in Ghana during Winter break. After medical school he hopes to join the Peace Corps or Doctors Without Borders.”

The article is part of a package of stories titled “Choose the Right Schools.” The full article is available online at: http://www.usnews.com/usnews/edu/college/articles/02cbschools.htm
This year’s U.S. News college rankings place Elon #9 among 130 universities in the South. This is the highest ranking ever and positions Elon as the top North Carolina school in the regional category.
