Elon to host Martin Luther King, Jr. commemorative program January 15

Elon University will hold its annual Martin Luther King, Jr. commemorative program at noon, Wednesday, Jan. 15 in Whitley Auditorium, located on campus. Sponsored by Elon’s office of multicultural affairs, the event is free and open to the public.

Freddie Bernard Marshall, senior pastor and founder of Christ Cathedral Church of Deliverance in Winston-Salem, N.C., will deliver the keynote address. Marshall founded Christ Cathedral Church in 1990 at age 22. He has served as secretary of the Ministers Conference of Winston-Salem and currently serves as secretary general and chairman of the Southeastern Joint College of Bishops board of directors.

Marshall is the author of two books, “Since God Wants Me to Prosper…Then Prosper I Will” and “From Thorns to Thrones.” He earned bachelor’s degrees from North Carolina Central University and Trinity Theological Seminary, and is a candidate for a master of divinity degree at Trinity. He was awarded an honorary doctorate in theology from Cornwallis University in Monrovia, Liberia.

The winner of the 2003 Martin Luther King, Jr. Humanitarian essay contest will also be announced during the program. The contest, open to middle school students in Alamance County, asks students to write a 250-500 word essay describing their personal efforts to keep King’s dream of equality alive.

Immediately following the program, members of Elon’s Black Cultural Society and Students for Peace and Justice will hold a peace walk. The walk will begin at Whitley Auditorium and end at the Moseley Center.
