Buechler named associate dean of business school

Scott Buechler has been named associate dean of the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business at Elon University. Buechler joins Elon after working with Educational Benchmarking Inc. (EBI), an education consulting firm, since August 1999. He also has administrative and teaching experience in higher education.

“I am excited to have the opportunity to join a growing, vibrant business program like Elon’s,” Buechler said. “Elon has an emphasis on applied learning and gives students the opportunity to put classroom concepts to the test in actual business situations.”

At Elon, Buechler will focus initially on expanding experiential learning opportunities for students in the Love School. He will work with local and regional business leaders to cultivate more internship opportunities for students, while expanding the range of study abroad opportunities for business students.

Buechler headed the MBA programs at two major universities before joining EBI. He served as director of the MBA program at the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana from 1996-1999, and directed the MBA program at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, from 1991-1996, where the program was awarded the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in 1994 for its innovative integrated first-year curriculum.

Buechler worked as an English professor at Virginia Polytechnic Institute in Blacksburg from 1979-1984. Before his appointment at Tennessee, Buechler worked for Martin Marietta, now Lockheed Martin, from 1986-1991, managing units which won awards for operational excellence.

He earned a master’s degree in English from the University of Wisconsin, an MBA degree from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and a doctorate in English from the University of Utah.