See documentary on HIV-infected orphans in Nairobi, April 14

“What did you do while 40 million children became orphans in Africa?” asks Rich Stearns, President of World Vision.

Where were you? What did you do? By 2010, one in every four children in Botswana, Burkina Faso, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe will be an orphan. The AIDS crisis in Africa may be the ultimate test of our viability as a world community. “Putting a Face on AIDS in Africa” is an initiative organized by Elon students to respond to this global challenge.

On Monday, April 14, at 7:30 p.m. in Whitley Auditorium, Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Christof Putzel will host a screening and discussion of the making of his award- winning documentary, “Left Behind.”

This documentary, which Putzel made as a junior at Connecticutt College, explores the lives of HIV-positive orphans at Nyumbani Children’s Home in Nairobi.

Come learn what you can do to help. Come support National AIDS week here at Elon.

The screening is sponsored by the Pericles Grant for civic engagement.