Students hold support the troops rally

Members of Pi Kappa Phi fraternity demonstrated their support for alumni serving in the military during "Miles Away, Close to Our Hearts," April 16-17 on Young Commons. Details...

The 24-hour event concluded Thursday, April 17 with remarks by fraternity president Christian Wiggins and Chaplain Richard McBride and a presentation by the Burlington American Legion post. A color guard also posted the flags.

Bryan Scherich, a junior from Durham who just completed a term as Pi Kappa Phi’s vice president, said the event was not intended to advocate or protest the war, but to demonstrate support for the troops during the conflict.

“We realized that this campus needed a way to express its appreciation for what the troops are doing,” Scherich said. “I think everyone realizes that the soldiers and their families need our support at this time. We want this to be an event where everyone, whether they are in favor of the war or not, can show they care about the troops and their families.”

Students, faculty and staff tied yellow ribbons to wreaths and lit candles in honor of the soldiers. They also placed pictures, quotes, artwork, etc., in support of the troops.

The Alumni Relations and Religious Life offices assisted with the event.