Elon names new colorguard instructor

The “Fire of the Carolinas,” Elon’s marching band, is pleased to announce that Patrick Mitchell has been hired to lead the Colorguard section of the band in 2003. He is a veteran of the Cavaliers drum and bugle corps of Rosemont, Ill., and has extensive experience as an instructor, choreographer, director and adjudicator of bands and colorguards. His experience has led to adjudication trials for Winter Guard International and band judging in North Carolina, South Carolina, Michigan, and New York and drum corps adjudication for Drum Corps Midwest.

Mr. Mitchell has taught high school, middle school and elementary music in Ontario, Canada, as well as in North Carolina and South Carolina. He has a master’s degree in music education from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, where he is currently pursuing a doctorate in music education. Mr. Mitchell teaches music in the Orange County school system and resides in Burlington with his wife, Cheryl.

Anyone who is interested in membership in the “Fire of the Carolinas” colorguard for 2003 should contact Bill DeJournett, assistant director of bands, at ext. 5700. Each member of the band receives a $250 service award.