Campus leadership honored at ODK awards ceremony

More than 75 campus leaders were honored May 1 during the annual Omicron Delta Kappa awards ceremony in Whitley Auditorium and in individual departments throughout campus. Details...

ODK grants recognition to the campus leaders who have provided outstanding leadership in their junior or senior years, and who have maintained high academic averages. Exemplary achievement and service were also recognized during individual school ceremonies in Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Education, the Love School of Business and the School of Communications. A complete list of winners follows:

  • Iris Holt McEwen Community Service Award-Darris Means
  • Ella Brunk Smith Award-Nicole Scherle
  • First-Year Core Writing Award, The Global Experience-Alena Johnson
  • First-Year Core Writing Award, English 110-Michael Neely
  • W.L. Monroe Christian Education and Personality Award-Christina Saunders & Josh Rowan
  • James S. and Marilyn A. Denton Award-Ross Sims & Katie Townsend
  • Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award-Brian Feeley, Terri Kirchen & Jennifer Guarino
  • William Moseley Brown Leadership Award-Christine Jordan
  • Student Communications Media Award-Jennifer Phelps
  • John W. Barney Memorial Award-April Schexnayder
  • Phi Kappa Phi Graduate Fellowship Award-Nathan Painter
  • Walter Hattenbach Award-Susan M. Allen
  • J. Albert Carpenter Scholarship-Ryan T. Barnard
  • Emerson Philosophy Award for Outstanding Philosophical Engagement-Peter M. Barrett
  • English Scholar-Erin R. Bass
  • Student N.C. Association of Educators Outstanding Future Teacher-Julie P. Beam
  • Priestley Award in Journalism-Katie E. Beaver
  • A.J. Fletcher Award-Christian J. Brescia
  • Religion Scholar-Cynthia L. Briggs
  • John Kappas Award In Economics-Erin M. Burnley
  • CRC Press Freshman Chemistry Achievement Award-Heidi A. Burton
  • Human Services-Veronica L. Childers
  • Biology Department Outstanding Student-Jennifer D. Coleman
  • Eastern Analytical Symposium-Brian L. Conley
  • Priestley Scholarship-Erin M. Cunningham
  • Outstanding Senior in Corporate Communications-Kathryn T. Cutler
  • Outstanding Major in Physical Education-Travis Davey
  • Mathematics Department Service-Robert M. Davis
  • Computing Science Department Service-Brian J. DeYoung
  • Elon University Programming Contest-Brian J. DeYoung
  • Information Systems Academic Achievement-Christina C. Dickerman
  • Al and Ruby West Human Services Scholarship-Coralea D. Dingley
  • Times-News Scholarship-Colin M. Donohue
  • Arnold Strauch Award-Emily P. Dreyer
  • Computer Science Academic Achievement-Richard A. Dutton
  • P. Reddish-V. Morgan Biology Scholarship-Amy M. Dworken
  • Senior Spanish Award-Amanda J. Easoz
  • American Institute of Chemists’ Student Award-Ryan J. Fairchild
  • Foreign Language Award-Ashlee E. Finecey
  • Emerson Philosophy Award for Outstanding Philosophical Engagement-Nathan E. Frigard
  • Senior Spanish Award-Katie M. Gosselin
  • International Studies Outstanding Senior-Katie M. Gosselin
  • Student N.C. Assoc. of Educators Outstanding Future Teacher-Katherine J. Griesmann
  • Outstanding Senior in Journalism-Jennifer A. Guarino
  • Academic Excellence Award in Accounting-Martin C. Haley
  • Outstanding Psychology Student -Jill K. Hayes
  • John Kappas Award in Economics-Chad W. Heinicke
  • Arnold Strauch-Sarah L. Henyecz
  • Outstanding Major in Leisure/Sport Management-Lauren H. Hoffman
  • P. Reddish-V. Morgan Biology Scholarship Michael V. Hromadka
  • Mathematics Research Award-Kathleen M. Iwancio
  • First Year Core Writing (GST 110)-Alena M. Johnson
  • English Scholar-Jeremy B. Jones
  • William Moseley Brown Leadership-Christine E. Jordan
  • Outstanding Political Science Award-Holly LaBarge
  • James F. Hurley Legacy Scholarship-Alyssa L. Martin
  • Challenge & Expect Award in Accounting-Lauren M. McNally
  • CRC Press Freshman Chemistry Achievement -Nicole R. Miller
  • P. Reddish-V. Morgan Biology Scholarship-Brittany A. Morrison
  • Outstanding Senior in Broadcast Communications-Michelle M. Niland
  • Outstanding Senior in Film-Ryan C. Notch
  • Golden Oak-Victoria L. Obenchain
  • Mathematics Academic Achievement-Jeanette P. Olli
  • Howard Gravett Award-Nathan P. Painter
  • Geography Program Paper Prize-Zachary W. Palmer
  • Golden Oak Award-Luke A. Pangle
  • Student Achievement Award in Economics-Michelle C. Pautz
  • Student Communications Media-Jennifer M. Phelps
  • James F. Hurley Legacy Scholarship-Lindsay N. Porter
  • Alpha Kappa Delta Award-Phillip A. Reynolds
  • Outstanding Major in Exercise Sports Science-Tamara J. Rhoderick
  • W.L Monroe Christian Education & Personality-Joshua N. Rowan
  • Outstanding Criminal Justice Student-Crystal D. Saunders
  • Wall Street Journal Student Achievement-April M. Schexnayder
  • Uli Stroszeck Award-Katherine D. Shotwell
  • Emerson Philosophy Award for Outstanding Philosophical Engagement-Nathan T. Shown
  • P. Reddish-V. Morgan Biology Scholarship-Michael C. Soult, II
  • Alpha Kappa Psi Scholarship (Business)-Emily D. Sprouse
  • Senior French Award-Emily A. Steele
  • P. Reddish-V. Morgan Scholarship-Morgan P. Steele
  • Biology Department Outstanding Student-Sarah E. Steudler
  • Alpha Kappa Psi Scholarship (Accounting)-Leslie D. Sutton
  • Challenge & Expect Award in Accounting-Cindy M. Thomas
  • Information Systems Academic Achievement-Marisa J. Triman
  • Al and Ruby West Human Services Scholarship-Erin L. Wallace
  • Basnight Award-Meredith A. Weavil
  • Durward Turrentine Stokes Outstanding Graduating Senior-Ashley K. White
  • Outstanding Major in Athletic Training-Lauren C. Williams
  • The Benjamin Grover Johnston-Heather M. Williams