Summer computer replacement under way

PC Support is installing hundreds of new computers on campus this summer, outfitting and expanding labs and providing new machines for faculty and staff. Read this note for details of the extensive summer technology initiative at Elon...

Photo of new computers
Fred Melchor, director of PC Support, says 313 new computers will be brought on line and 104 existing machines will be converted to new uses. The new computers include 141 desktop and 100 laptop Gateway models, along with 58 Macintosh desktops and 14 Mac laptops. Work areas have been established in McEwen building, where computers are being uncrated and assembled for distribution across the campus.

Labs on campus will be outfitted with 146 new computers. A new Mac lab will be created in McEwen 205 and the existing communications lab in McEwen 108 will be outfitted with new Macs. New PCs will be installed in Long 113, Powell 213 and in the Alamance 315 lab, which will also be doubled in size. All labs on campus will receive complete software updates to prepare for fall semester. The work will be completed by Aug. 20.

PC Support staff, which began work immediately following Commencement, include the following:

PC Labs

Anthony Bennett

Stephanie Barbour

Mac Labs/faculty-staff Macs

David Morton

Michael Allred

Faculty-staff PC replacement

Melanie Brookbank

Kay Carroll

Work orders

Wayne Thompson

Darryl McIntyre

Help desk

Michelle Woods

Angie Cates

Greg Ellis

This year’s major PC purchase was from Gateway Computers, which offered the most attractive package of features and price. Elon maintains relationships with Gateway, Dell and Apple, and offers academic discounts pricing for students and faculty-staff.