Join Yearbook! Training Sept. 5.

Phi Psi Cli (yearbook) is a yearly publication that covers all activities and students from orientation through graduation. We are looking for dedicated and enthusiastic people to join our staff. Any talent you have will help…organization, writing, photography, editing, layout, etc. If you are interested, e-mail me at or catch us at the Media Fair or Org Fair the first week of school.

Joining the staff will require a training day to learn the program and what we do on Friday, September 5 from 2:30ish to 5:30ish. More details will come later. For more information on yearbook, you can check out our site at We are the in process of redoing the site, but it has the basics. If you are interested in Web design and helping out with the site, that would be great too.

Join Yearbook! Have fun, meet people, and create memories for the school!