Elon Volunteers has several opportunities

Elon Volunteers has several special needs that have come in. The opportunities are as follows:

1.) The American Red Cross provides a service to military personnel and their families. They are looking for students who would like to assist in delivering after- hours emergency messages to military personnel. This position could be done from your very own dorm room. You may receive a call from a family member and then you would work on contacting the military member. Students would carry an after-hours pager during their shift. The position is pretty low maintenance because you may or may not receive call(s) during your shift; however this is a very important and essential service to these families. Some office hours at ARC may be asked. For more information please contact Scott Rubright at 226-4906.

2.) If you like being outside then this is for you. Timberlake Farms is 165 acres of protected land. They have opportunities for volunteers and or interns. They need students to work with the children’s programs and take children on earth walks. They also need people to work in the organic gardens. Elon students have worked with them before and really enjoyed their experiences. If you are interested please contact them at (336-449-0612).

3.) If you like young children this is for you. St. Mark’s Church has a support group called Teen MOPS. This is a support group for teen mothers who have young children. (Mothers of Pre-schoolers.) The group meets the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month from 4:15-6:15. (If several students wanted to help it could possibly be a shared position). They are looking for students who would be willing to watch the children while the mothers are meeting. This would be a fun and rewarding opportunity. For more information please contact Jennifer Jones at (336) 584-3173.

If you decide to do any of these opportunities please make sure to contact Elon Volunteers so that we can record your hours!! If you have any questions you may also contact the EV office at X 7250 or Anna Glodowski at X 4155