Kappa Sigma event raises money for breast cancer

The brothers of Kappa Sigma held their annual C-Saw-A-Thon on Saturday, Sept. 20. Kappa Sigma brothers seesawed back and forth for more than 4 hours to raise money for breast cancer research.

The 42 participants from Kappa Sigma rode on the 4-foot wide, 16-foot long seesaw in 5- and 15-minute intervals.

Proceeds from the C-Saw-A-Thon, totaling $300, went to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. For 10 years, the fraternity’s philanthropic efforts have been for breast cancer, but for some in the fraternity, it has a personal meaning. Several fraternity members have been impacted personally by breast cancer in the families, giving this fundraiser added importance to the entire fraternity.