Cates serve as guest lecturers in School of Communications

Indiana University scholars Fred and Beth Cate are serving as guest lecturers during Winter Term in Elon's School of Communications. Details...

Beth Cate is associate university counsel and special assistant for policy and procedure to the vice president for research and dean of the University Graduate School at IU-Bloomington. At Elon, she is teaching a Winter Term course titled “Hot Topics in Constitutional Law,” covering topics such as First Amendment and privacy rights in the digital world and campaign finance reform.

At IU, she provides legal and policy advice concerning intellectual property, information technologies, conflicts of interest and biosafety. She is a frequent speaker on copyright issues and is currently developing educational materials to assist faculty, students and administrators in understanding and complying with fair use and other provisions of copyright law.

Beth Cate received a bachelor’s degree from George Washington University and a law degree from Harvard Law School. She has practiced law in Washington and Indianapolis.

Fred Cate is a Distinguished Professor at the Indiana University School of Law-Bloomington and is director of the Indiana University Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research. His Winter Term course, “Individual Rights in a Digital World,” explores the most current and significant risks and opportunities presented by digital technologies, as well as government efforts to control them.

Fred Cate specializes in privacy, security and other information law issues and appears regularly before Congress, government agencies and professional and industry groups.

He serves as counsel to the Department of Defense Technology and Privacy Advisory Committee and is a member of Microsoft’s Trustworthy Computing Academic Advisory Board.

During the 2000 presidential election he advised the George W. Bush campaign on privacy matters. He has been a member of the Federal Trade Commission’s Advisory Committee on Online Access and Security.