Elon concert to be broadcast nationally on NPR

If you missed the Brazilian Guitar Quartet’s performance at Elon on February 10, you have another opportunity to hear the Quartet’s performance in Whitley Auditorium.

Thanks to Bryan Baker and Linda Lashendock who provided a recording which the National Public Radio staff complemented as being of excellent quality, the Whitley performance will be broadcast nationally on PERFORMANCE TODAY this Sunday, March 7, and again on Saturday, March 13. Their associate producer says they will be using more from the concert in the near future.

There are over 250 NPR radio stations that carry Performance Today. Unfortunately only three North Carolina stations carry Performance Today. (Davidson, 89.5; Wilmington, 91.3 and Wake Forest University 88.5). Wake Forest, which we can pick up in Elon, does not carry the weekend Performance Today broadcast.

So, here is what you can do! Davidson and most other NPR stations stream their signal on the internet. Visit the Davidson NPR website, www.wdav.org , (or any NPR station website that streams their signal and carries the weekend Performance Today). Then click “Listen On Line” at the time of the broadcast (12:00 noon Sunday).