Love School of Business presents faculty awards

A photo of business faculty award winnersThe Love School of Business held its first LSB Awards Banquet on Wednesday, April 21, in conjunction with the spring meeting of the LSB Board of Advisors. A selection committee consisting of senior full professors, members of the advisory board, and the dean recognized six recipients, each of whom was presented with an award in recognition of their outstanding achievements.

Dean’s Award for Exemplary Service

  • Matt Valle, associate professor and chair of the Business Administration Department, for leading the faculty and the board of advisors in the AACSB International accreditation effort. Matt is also an outstanding teacher-scholar.
  • Mary Wise, assistant vice president of academic affairs, for her innovative, creative, and diligent editorial efforts in developing the AACSB International Self-Evaluation Report, which some termed “the best ever.”
  • Barth Strempek, associate professor of business administration, for his excellent advising and mentoring of the brothers of Alpha Kappa Psi, the business fraternity. Barth has also been the inspirational leader behind the Elon Enterprise Academy.

Dean’s Award for Exemplary Scholarship

  • Earl Honeycutt, professor of Business Administration, for his excellent and prolific scholarship and for his role in mentoring and helping colleagues in their efforts to produce and publish their research.

LSB Award for Excellence in Teaching

  • Wonhi Synn, professor of accounting and finance, for being an excellent teacher-scholar during the past few years while leading the LSB efforts in the field of finance. In teaching the Jefferson Pilot Business Fellows senior investment course, Wonhi has been instrumental in creating an offering that not only provides investment know-how to the students but allows them to develop into a high-performance team.

Dean’s Special Award for Exemplary Teaching

  • Linda Weavil, professor of Business Administration, for her distinguished career as a demanding, rigorous, and caring teacher of business communications.

Each recipient was presented an award by Peter Tourtellot, Chairman of the LSB Board of Advisors.

Congratulations to each recipient.