Alumni board holds spring meeting

A photo of NAEB May 2004 meetingMembers of Elon’s National Alumni Executive Board met on campus April 30-May 1 to hear various committee reports and receive a campus update from President Leo M. Lambert.

President Lambert’s update included news about accreditation for the Love School of Business, fundraising efforts for the planned Koury Business Center, and the latest information about the Law School Task Force’s work.

Board members also heard a report from Jana Lynn Patterson, associate dean of students, about the variety of activities Elon students take part in, including community service, volunteer opportunities and internships.

Alumni Board president Jack Duval ’93 presided over a Saturday morning business meeting, which included reports from the nominating commitee and membership committee. Lisa Roper ’93, assistant director of alumni and parent relations, and Cindy Sarwi ’87, director of alumni relations, gave an update about 2004 Homecoming Reunion Weekend plans, scheduled for Oct. 29-31.

The National Alumni Executive Board offers Elon alums a way to share observations, suggestions or concerns about the university. The executive board represents all Elon alumni, and is composed of alumni who are elected to serve three-year terms.