Scott Warner ’97 on PR News “15 To Watch” list

A photo of Scott Warner '97Scott Warner ’97, a director with Qorvis Communications in McLean, Va., is listed on the 2004 “15 To Watch” list, published by PR News, a weekly newsletter for the public relations and media relations industry.

The list recognizes public relations professionals who take risks and use innovative approaches to get publicity for their clients.

Warner’s work has helped Qorvis become one of the largest independent PR firms in the Washington, DC area. He has been involved in crisis communications for former NBA player Jayson Williams and the family of congressional intern Chandra Levy, as well as publicizing product launches and corporate mergers.

Warner recently coordinated a media relations campaign for SafeNet, a Baltimore-based computer secruity company. He traveled with the company’s executives to visit reporters in Boston, Las Vegas, New York and San Francisco. His work resulted in coverage of SafeNet’s recent acquisition of two larger competitors in The Wall Street Journal and on CNBC.