Morgan to participate in social risk management seminar

Betty Morgan, associate professor of political science and public Administration, has been invited by The World Bank Institute (WBI) to participate in its Summer 2004 Learning Program in Social Risk Management June 20-24 at WBI headquarters in Washington, D.C.

The WBI is the learning arm of the World Bank, the world’s largest source of development assistance. The WBI reinforces the bank’s anti-poverty efforts in the developing world by providing access to the bank’s worldwide expertise and experience. The WBI’s services include learning programs, policy consultations, knowledge networks and scholarship programs. WBI trains clients and bank staff, carries out policy consultations, develops learning networks, and publishes books, working papers and case studies. The Institute trains leaders, decision makers and others to develop and implement policies on poverty reduction, trade, environment, AIDS, corruption, education, health and more.

Morgan will participate in the Institute’s Social Risk Management training program, a framework which links social protection concepts to the broader agenda of poverty reduction. The program shifts the focus from risk coping to risk reduction and assessing vulnerability.

In addition to training workshops and policy seminars, the WBI’s Social Protection Program offers action-oriented and team-based learning initiatives. For example, WBI is supporting efforts in Africa to implement its regional social protection strategy, “Dynamic Risk Management and the Poor.” Seminars and debates are organized, in addition to regional training and follow-up workshops, to address the needs of specific countries while enhancing the bank’s capacity to implement the Social Risk Management framework.