Seeking teens for focus groups about Internet use

The Pew Internet & American Life Project, a nonprofit research organization located in Washington, D.C., is working on a study about teenagers and what they think of the Internet. This study involves focus groups in three cities and Elon/Burlington was selected to be one of them.

I am helping them organize focus groups of local middle school and high school students who think of themselves as Internet users and (1) have their own e-mail account, (2) have regular access to the Internet, either at home, school, or elsewhere, and (3) spend AT LEAST 5 HOURS PER WEEK on the Internet.


How long? About 2 hours (pizza dinner provided)

When? Monday, July 12 or Tuesday, July 13(in the early evening)

Compensation? Two movie passes

The insights gained from these groups will be extremely helpful in designing a larger research study the organization will conduct in the future.

If you have or know any teenagers who might be interested, please ask them contact me at:

278-5771 (please leave a message)

Thanks so much for your interest!