Elon part of National Science Foundation grant

Gene Grimley, professor of chemistry, and colleagues at three other area universities have been awarded a one-year, $50,000 planning grant by the National Science Foundation. The scientists will explore the formation of an Undergraduate Research Center in chemistry from the eight constituent members of the Greater Greensboro Consortium.

Grimley collaborated with Terence Nile of the University of North Carolina-Greensboro, Claude Lamb of North Carolina A&T State University, and Anne Glenn of Guilford College to write the proposal, titled “Expanding the Greater Greensboro Consortium: Building a Research Community by Early Recruitment and Research Immersion.”

Other institutions in the Greater Greensboro Consortium are Bennett College, Greensboro College, High Point University and Guilford Technical Community College.

Two pilot projects will be implemented during the year the planning grant is in effect. One will establish a multi-institutional summer research program for area high school and community college students, while the other will investigate a research-based bachelor’s degree in chemistry that will enable students to take part in chemical research during their entire undergraduate career.

One of the main goals of the Undergraduate Research Center will be to develop research infrastructure and culture among the member institutions. Faculty will explore the establishment of a seminar series and symposia that will be open to all students.

Summer research programs will recruit students from the Early and Middle College high schools hosted by five consortium members, as well as local community college students, giving them the chance to particpate in hands-on research. The pilot program will run for 8-10 weeks in the summer of 2005.