Bolin article included in new encyclopedia

An article by Anne Bolin, professor of anthropology, about sexuality in French Polynesia is included in a new encyclopedia which has received favorable reviews.

Bolin’s article is included in “The Continuum Complete International Encyclopedia of Sexuality.” CHOICE magazine, one of the leading publications on American libraries, gave the encyclopedia at “highly recommended” rating.

Below is the text of the review:

The Continuum complete international encyclopedia of sexuality. ed. by Robert T. Francoeur and Raymond J. Noonan. Continuum International Publishers Group, 2004. 1,419p index afp ISBN 0-8264-1488-5, $195.00. Reviewed in 2004 Oct CHOICE.

All 49 countries in the original International Encyclopedia of Sexuality, ed. by Francoeur (4v., CH, Mar’98, Nov’01) are represented by updated essays in this new edition, with 15 additional countries and places. Experts native to the specific land or culture, or acquainted through extensive time and study, wrote the essays, which are organized according to a standard outline of 13 possible headings (“Basic Sexological Premises” to “Important Ethnic, Racial, and/or Religious Minorities”), and are preceded by a table of contents corresponding to the outline and brief discussions of demographics and historical perspective; essays conclude with lists of references and additional readings. The essays range in length from a few pages (Botswana; Czech Republic) to many (UK, US). General essays that examine recent developments and global trends are followed by a directory of sexological organizations, associations, and institutions. The index allows relatively smooth comparison of specific issues among countries. A dry recitation of virtues would undervalue this incomparable volume’s wealth of useful and fascinating information. Its creators commendably consider space and expense, while preserving the high quality of the multivolume edition. Summing Up: Highly recommended. Academic and public libraries. — M C Duhig, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh.