Spain is Country of the Month for October

Spain is the second Country of the Month on the Elon campus as part of a program sponsored by the Isabella Cannon Centre for International Studies. Beginning with Japan last month, information on the featured country will be available at selected College Coffees, in printed brochures and on E-Net.

Familiar Spanish Phrases and their English meaning


Buenos dias–Good morning

Buenas noches–Good evening

Bien, gracias–Fine, thank you



Several Elon faculty members have Spanish expertise and experiences:

  • Kevin Boyle, professor of English, translated Spanish poems by Federico Garcia Lorca (“Ghazal of the Dead Child”) and Antonio Machado (“The Crime Was in Granada”). Forthcoming 2005, “Ginko Tree Review”
  • Pranab Das, associate professor of physics, presented “Going Beyond 3: The Epistemological Implications of Higher-Dimensional Space” at the conference “Streams of Wisdom: Theology and Cultural Dynamics” in Barcelona, Spain, summer 2004.
  • Mayte De Lama, assistant professor of Spanish, most recent publications include “Al otro lado de lado de Marina Mayoral: entrevista,” “Confluencia,” Fall 2003 and “El falo: fascinacion y repulsion en tres relatos de Marina Mayoral,” forthcoming 2006, “Louisiana State University.” She has presented numerous papers at professional meetings such as I Congreso Internacional in Madrid, The Louisiana Conference on Hispanic Literatures, The Cincinnati Conference on Romance languages and Literaturas, and The Conference of the Asociacion de Literatura Femenina Hispanica. She teaches Spanish Civilization and Spanish Literature.
  • Martin Fowler, assistant professor of philosophy, will lead a dozen teenagers on a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela for 10 days in June as part of their Journey to Adulthood program at St. Philip’s Episcopal Church. They will walk 90 miles of El Camino across Spain, studying the history, culture, and traditions of the pilgrimage.
  • Maureen Ihrie, associate professor of Spanish, has co-edited (with Janet Perez and German Blieberg) numerous articles for “The Feminist Encyclopedia of Spanish Literature” and “The Dictionary of Literature of the Iberian Peninsula.” She teaches “The Cervantine Vision,” Spanish Civilization, and Women in Contemporary Spain.
  • Shawn Tucker, associate professor of fine arts, wrote an article about a painting of King Carlos V and his family, “Titian’s Trinity, Gloria, or Last Judgment,” published in “Interdisciplinary Humanities,” Fall 2001. He presented two papers about Spanish novels: “Paco’s Rite of Passage in Ramon J. Sender’s ‘Requiem por un campesino espanol'” and “Using Foucaldian tools to Measure Luis Martin-Santos’s ‘Time of Silence'” (State University Film and Literature Conference, 1997 and 1996).
  • The following faculty and staff participated in a trip to Spain in June, 2003, sponsored by El Centro: Pam Baker, Larry Basirico, Sandra Fields, Tom Henricks, Connie Keller, Laurin Kier, Teri Kircehn, Sylvia Munoz, Jim Pickens, Mike Sanford, Hiromi Sumiyoshi, Shannon Tennant and Dan Wright.