Rogers delivers Founders’ Lecture for PT association

Elizabeth Rogers, associate dean and chair of the of physical therapy department, delivered the Founders Lecture at the Oct. 8 meeting of the North Carolina Physical Therapy Association. It is the highest honor the association bestows upon a member.

In her speech, Rogers thanked the many people she said were influential in her life:

“I am who I am because of the people who have been part of my life, and today I want to tell you about just a few of them. I believe it TAKES A WHOLE VILLAGE TO RAISE A PROFESSIONAL. I want you to get to know who some of the members of my village were to raise me to be the professional that I am today. These folks have helped to shape my philosophy and push me to create new ideas and paradigms. This honor and award is really about my family, mentors, patients, students and a large group of eminent professionals who have played roles in my life.

“…Thank you to all the members of my village who have contributed to my professional growth and development. I have been influenced and have grown up in our beloved profession due to you being a part of my village. Please remain a part of my village and help me to continue to grow. Also, I invite you in the audience to join a village with an offer to mentor a young, new graduate or to invite someone into your village to contribute to your professional development. Remember that in this day and age, we can be members of many villages.

“I challenge you to surround yourself in your village with founders, a mentor, and great clinicians. Don’t limit those around you. Focus on ability not on disability. Look for and create new opportunities. Be involved with volunteer organizations such as the APTA. Remember to smell the roses. YOU TOO CAN BE A FOUNDER!”