Chemistry Students Attend Conference, Win Awards

A group of chemistry students and members of the Elon American Chemical Soceity-Student Affiliates (ACS-SA) attended the Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Soceity (SERMACS) on November 12-13. Ashley Biscoe, Josh Guske, Chris Seigfred, Brian Pickler, and Mary Caruso participated as one of the host chapters for the undergraduate meeting held on November 13. Amy Dworkin, Kyle Lunsford, Geoffrey Lynn and Rachel Naumannn presented oral research presentations at the undergraduate meeting. Rachel Naumann earned a second place plaque for her oral presentation in the undergraduate Organic Chemistry session. Kyle Lunsford and Geoff Lynn earned second and third place plaques, respectively, for their presentations in the undergraduate Physical Chemistry session. Paul Weller and Karl Sienerth are the advisors for the Elon ACS-SA. Joel Karty is the research advisor of the students who gave presentations.