AIDS/HIV documentary premiere, Periclean-in-Residence, Dec. 1

See the premiere of "A Measure of our Humanity," a touching documentary about AIDS/HIV in Namibia, and hear one woman's story at 7 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 1 in Whitley Auditorium. Details...

Anita Isaacs, a Namibian woman who contracted HIV from her husband in 2000, will discuss her personal story and her effort to educate others about the AIDS epidemic in Africa during the program. Her presentation and the premiere of the documentary are free and open to the public. Isaacs’ visit to Elon coincides with World AIDS Day and its 2004 theme, Women and AIDS.

Isaacs is regional director of Lironga Eparu, an organization whose name means “learn to survive.” Lironga Eparu assists Namibians who have been diagnosed with HIV or AIDS, and promotes education and prevention through a variety of programs. Isaacs is an advocate for women who are affected by HIV in Namibia, where women have struggled to gain equal status with men. This will be her first trip to the United States.

The documentary was produced by students in the Project Pericles program, which promotes civic engagement on a local and global scale. The students have conducted extensive research into the problem of AIDS and HIV infection in Africa and are working to expand global awareness of the epidemic.