2004-2005 Faculty/Staff Campaign exceeds goal

Elon employees contributed $200,540 to the 2004-2005 Faculty/Staff Campaign, which exceeded its goal of $190,000. Fifty-five percent of full-time faculty and staff members made a gift to the annual giving campaign. Thank you for your generosity!

These gifts to the Elon Fund support the hallmarks of an Elon education – small classes, excellent faculty and students, outstanding facilities, quality academic programs, the latest technology and scholarship assistance.

There are 78 faculty and staff who are members of The Elon Society, the university’s premier annual giving group. In addition, nine faculty and staff members have put Elon in their estate plans, making them members of the Order of the Oak, the university’s planned giving society.

Elon is grateful to the honorary chairs of the campaign: Jana Lynn Patterson, associate dean of students, George Taylor, professor of public administration and political science, and Becky Olive-Taylor, associate director of academic advising.