A Reading by Cassie Kircher – Russia Country of the Month

Please mark your calendars for the final event for Russia – Country of the Month.

On Wednesday, March 30th, the Isabella Cannon Centre for International Studies is delighted to host a reading and discussion by Cassie Kircher, of the English department. She will share a bit of her memoirs entitled “Dear Marina, Dear Tess: Letters on Becoming a Parent to My Daughters.” This event will take place from noon until 1 in the Isabella Cannon Center (Carlton 113).

The excerpt Professor Kircher will be reading chronicles the story of her younger daughter Marina’s adoption from Khabarovsk, Russia. Written from the first person point of view, through which she recount her experiences, the excerpt is terse and moving and, for such a personal subject, fiercely unsentimental. Although she began writing the manuscript, from which this excerpt was taken, as a personal account for her daughter, the manuscript is ultimately the story of the conflictedness Kircher’s husband and she experienced becoming parents because they were leery of adoption for personal and political reasons.

*Please note- this is a correction of dates from a previous posting.