Ward-Johnson presents research

Frances Ward-Johnson, an associate professor in the School of Communications, recently presented a research paper at the 8th annual International Public Relations Research Conference held March 11-13 in Miami, Fla.

Ward-Johnson’s paper, titled “Through the Looking Glass: Reflections of the Reality of the Workplace from African American Women Practitioners,” details interviews with African American women public relations managers about their careers and issues of race and gender that they have faced during their careers. The study also includes interviews with African American female students who are seniors majoring in public relations and investigates their view of the profession before they become entry level practitioners.

This qualitative research study provides insights into understanding why minorities continue to be under represented in areas such as public relations and how companies can better recruit and retain minority practitioners.

School of Communications associate professor John Guiniven, also had a paper accepted by the conference. The paper, titled “A New Look at the PR Curriculum,” investigates how educators who teach public relations and pr practitioners view public relations curricula at various universities around the country.

The conference was sponsored by the Institute for Public Relations, which is the primary backer of the only pure public relations research conference that mixes academic and professional research.