New Semester Abroad Program


The Isabella Cannon Centre is pleased to announce a NEW semester abroad program. Apply NOW for Spring 2006. Applications available in the Isabella Cannon Centre.

Where: Elon University in San Jose, Costa Rica

In addition to its natural beauty, Costa Rica is an ideal location in which to study the rapid social, cultural, economic, political and environmental changes that face much of the developing Latin American world. The program is based in the capital, San Jose, and includes many opportunities and activities to enjoy Costa Rica’s natural wonders as well as to learn about many of the issues that face contemporary Latin America.

When: Spring semester only. Apply NOW through September 30 for Spring of 2006. Applications accepted on a rolling basis.

What: In addition to studying Spanish, courses taught in English will include General Studies, Business, Political Science and Environmental Studies. No previous Spanish required. Students will live with host families in the capital city of San Jose and study with Costa Rican professors.

Cost: Elon tuition, room and board, plus international insurance. International airfare up to $800 INCLUDED in the program cost, as well as excursions to places like the Monteverde Cloud forest, Arenal Volcano, hot springs, waterfalls and banana plantations! A weekend trip to Panama or Nicaragua will also be included.

Want more information? Brochures and applications available in the Isabella Cannon Centre. Call x6700 to make an appointment with a study abroad advisor if you have other questions.


Emma Jones