Host families needed for French students

Two French girls, age 18, Marine and Anne-Sophie, would like to visit this area in August and stay about three weeks with American families. The two girls are best friends but would like to stay with different families. They have been studying English and have not traveled to the US before. One has been in Britain for a short time. They would like to be with typical American families with high school or college age daughters, if possible, in a totally English-speaking environment.

Both are in the process of preparing for the rigorous entrance exams necessary to get into a top-level French university and have serious academic interests. Anne-Sophie is a literature student with special interest in the theatre. She also enjoys music and is mildly interested in sports. Marine, on the other hand, is more interested in biological sciences and enjoys swimming and golf.

Marine’s grandparents are friends that we have known for several years.

If you’re interested in hosting one of these young women, please reply to me at or by calling extension 5642.