T-shirts show support for gay, lesbian students

Members of the campus community showed support for their gay and lesbian friends and colleagues at College Coffee Tuesday, Sept. 6 by wearing t-shirts that read, “Gay? Fine by me.”

The sale of shirts and the College Coffee event were organized by Spectrum, Elon’s gay and lesbian organization. Jon Chapman, co-chair of Spectrum, said more than 660 t-shirts have been sold at $2 each. Proceeds will benefit PFLAG, Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays of Alamance County.

“What’s great about this event is that a true cross-section of Elon participated in it,” said Chapman, noting support from Greek Life, athletics, academic advising and the Truitt Center for Religious and Spiritual Life. Chapman said it was important to Spectrum that the event be a show of support and not a political statement.

“We wanted this to be done in a non-confrontational way,” said Chapman. “We hope this will start a discussion on campus and will let these students know there is a support system out there.”

“Gay? Fine by me” started at Duke University and has now become a national movement, held at colleges and universities across the country.