Choose the topics for the campuswide debate, Nov. 9

You can help choose the issues for a campuswide debate scheduled for 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 9! Visit this Web site: to select the three issues most important to you. The deadline for selecting debate issues is the Friday before Fall Break, Oct. 14.

Students, faculty and staff who would like to participate in the debate will be asked to apply by writing a short paragraph about the debate issues. Applications will be available on the Web beginning Oct. 11 and can also be picked up at the political science department offices in the Gray Pavilion.

The debate will be moderated by Bob Anderson, associate professor of political science, and will use a format that allows for opening position statements, rebuttals, summaries and a question-and-answer session with the audience.

Students involved in staging the debate are Malvina Niemierko, Ian Hull, Karen Baum, Carla Rogers and Rhiannon Staub.