Filmmaker explores sexual assault through personal film

Filmmaker Angela Shelton will discuss her film “Searching for Angela Shelton” at 7:30 p.m., Monday, Oct. 24 in Whitley Auditorium on the Elon University campus. Screenings of the film are scheduled for 6 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 19 and 6 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 22 in room 011 of the McEwen communications building on campus.

In “Searching for Angela Shelton,” filmmaker Shelton set out on a journey to meet every other Angela Shelton in America and survey the thoughts of American women. What she wasn’t prepared for was that 16 out of the 32 Angela Sheltons, including herself, had been raped, beaten or molested. One Angela Shelton tracked sexual predators and lived in the same town as the filmmaker’s father, who is a child molester.

Sponsored by the Liberal Arts Forum, Sexual Assault Awareness, Student Activities, Women’s and Gender Studies and Cinelon, the movie screenings and Shelton’s Oct. 24 presentation are free and open to the public.