Spanish faculty, alumnae publish children’s book

The children’s book Otra aventura del Pequeño Papalote Azul: El Pequeño Papalote Azul encuentra a un amigo [“Another Adventure of the Little Blue Kite: The Little Blue Kite Finds a Friend”], translated by Donna Van Bodegraven (Spanish) with the assistance of Marisa Pérez de Torres, will be released this week.  The book was written in English by Elon alumna Mindi Reinheimer, illustrated by Elon alumna Dolores Truitt (“Kimmie”), and published by Blue Kite Publications. Visiting Professor of Spanish Patty Medina Bojórquez provided the narrative voice on the accompanying CD for the Spanish language package.  Contact Dolores Truitt at 336-584-1062 if you are interested in purchasing the book and CD package for any young children who are learning, or who want to learn, some Spanish.