Oh, The Humanities! Creative Writing Seniors to Read 12/6, 12/7

Come one and all on out to the Isabella Cannon Room Tuesday and Wednesday nights, 12/6 and 12/7, 7:30 p.m., to hear Creative Writing seniors read from their poetry, nonfiction and fiction.

Scheduled to apear…

Tuesday, 12/6

Alena Johnson; Cynthia McCollum; Mike Merritt; Aaron Smith;  Kendra Foy; Bryn Porter; Jane Steele; James Rosebaugh-Nordan; Katie Marshall.

Wednesday, 12/7

Laura Cady; Marc Domally, Alana Black; Whitney Connolly; Julie Bourbeau; Megan Deasy; Kathryn Bradley; Rebecca Doane; Drew Contessa.

Ain’t art grand?