Students present marketing plan to foundation

Students in LSM 351, Leisure and Sport Marketing, presented a marketing plan Wednesday, Dec. 7 to members of the North Carolina Recreators Foundation. The class is taught by Jaime Orejan, assistant professor of leisure and sport management.

Emily Infanger, Emily Chesney, Ashley Owen, Lexi Swinimer and Kristin Tremoulis offered suggestions to the foundation’s directors on ways to increase visibility among prospective scholarship recipients and corporate sponsors.

The students presented the board with sample marketing brochures and a Web site, as well as suggestions for events to raise the foundation’s profile, such as a golf tournament and sponsors’ banquet.

The North Carolina Recreators Foundation provides scholarships to park & recreation students and professionals. The foundation is trying to broaden its financial base to offer more scholarships, and to increase awareness among students about various scholarship opportunities.