Alumni Ad Hoc Awards Committee Meets

On Saturday, June 8, several members of the National Alumni Executive Board met at Holland House to review and discuss candidates under consideration for 2002 Elon Alumni Association award winners.

This Ad Hoc Committee was appointed by NAEB President Raymond Beck ’75, who says “the proposed recipients of the annual Elon Alumni Association Awards are worthy of careful consideration by a diverse group of alumni. I’ve appointed the NAEB past president, Ocie Murray, to chair this group as I feel his experienced leadership with Elon is most valuable and critical in making alumni award recommendations.”

Those attending were: Ocie Murray ’64, Past President of NAEB; Raymond Beck ’75, NAEB President; Earl Danieley ’46, Golden Alumni Co-President; Priscilla Awkard ’95, Past President of the African American Alumni; Andy Ellen ’92, representing young alumni; Maureen Allen G’94, representing graduate alumni; Darryl Lea ’85, representing 80s alumni; Roger and Dot Keck Nardelli ’58, representing 50s alumni; and Mary Coolidge Ruth ’66, NAEB Executive Secretary.

This advisory committee has concluded its work and made its recommendations. Award winners will be announced this summer and recognized at Homecoming Reunion Weekend, November 8-10. For more information about Elon Alumni Association Awards, visit the Web site below.