Twenty-seven alumni were elected to three-year terms on the Elon National Alumni Executive Board. Details...
The following alumni were elected to three-year terms, beginning June 1:
- Bill Cavey ’91 and Stacy Boswell Cavey ’92, Chesterfield, Va.
- Jay Allred ’86, Winston-Salem, N.C.
- Andy Ellen ’92 and Tricia Talbert Ellen ’92, Raleigh, N.C.
- Kelli Palmer ’98, Charlottesville, Va.
- Edmund Knott ’96, Jacksonville, N.C.
- Brian Jinks ’96 and Meredith Lanier Jinks ’96, Wilson, N.C.
- Lee Clark ’98, Alexandria, Va.
- Mike Smith ’98, Fairfax, Va.
- David Rich ’87 and Sue Hoggard Rich ’85, Burlington, N.C.
- Michael Sutterlin ’96, Elon College, N.C.
- Michael Rodgers ’97, Pottstown, Pa.
- Crystal Morrison ’88, Burlington, N.C.
- Luther Conger ’55, Kernersville, N.C.
- Jeffrey Smith ’86, Winston-Salem, N.C.
- Anne Sprinkle Roediger ’72, Winston-Salem, N.C.
- Henry (Bubba) Ayer ’84 and Karen Parks Ayer ’82, Poquoson, Va.
- Chet Burgess ’69 and Becky Bucher Burgess ’70, Chapel Hill, N.C.
- Molly Southern G’00 and Jim Southern ’87, Winston-Salem, N.C.
- Steve Ross ’73, Burlington, N.C.
- Scott Stevenson ’82, Woodstock, Ga.
- Marvin Moss ’54, Wilmington, N.C.
The new members were elected during the National Alumni Executive Board spring meeting, held on campus May 4-5.
The board serves as the voice of Elon alumni to the administration, providing a forum for graduates to offer suggestions, raise concerns and remain in touch with the institution.