Anonymous gift funds bell tower at Rhodes Stadium

The entry plaza to Rhodes Stadium will include a 57-foot-tall bell tower, thanks to a gift from an anonymous donor. Details and drawing...

The tower is expected to be completed in time for the stadium opening in September.

The brick tower will stand at the center of Victory Circle, a circular drive adjacent to the stadium’s south entrance. The tower will include a copper dome at the top, four vertically-aligned bells, which will be cast in the Netherlands and tuned to sound the classic Westminster chimes, and a large archway at the base, allowing pedestrians to walk beneath the tower.

“This bell tower will provide a dramatic entrance for Rhodes Stadium and will be a great place for Phoenix sports fans to gather prior to the game,” said Leo M. Lambert, Elon president. “The addition of a bell tower to the stadium site will enhance this classic collegiate setting. Excitement is growing on campus as we look forward to enjoying one of the nation’s finest college athletics facilities.”

Construction on the stadium is on schedule. The primary structures will be completed in early summer, while work on the field, the surrounding site and the bell tower will continue until late summer. Several gala events are being planned in conjunction with the Sept. 15 opening football game between the Elon Phoenix and Eastern Kentucky University.