Avril Lavigne, the Grammys and an Elon shirt

Canadian pop singer Avril Lavigne was wearing an Elon Campus Rec shirt in New York Jan. 7 when she received five Grammy Award nominations at a Madison Square Garden news conference.

Many members of the Elon family alerted friends and relatives when they saw the photo on the New York Times Web site and on CNN. Lavigne’s press representative says the singer has no formal connection with the university, but was fond of the vintage shirt when she came across it. The shirt is probably from the mid 1990s, according to Rex Waters, assistant dean of students.

The 18-year-old Lavigne was nominated for best new artist, song of the year, best female pop vocal performance, best female rock vocal performance and best pop vocal album.

Click here to see more photos from Reuters, or click on the Grammy link below to find out more about the nominations and Lavigne’s background.