Bench dedication in memory of R.D. Rao

A brief service was held Friday, Oct. 5 to dedicate a bench in memory of professor R.D. Rao. Details...

The bench is located on the north side of McMichael Science Building, adjacent to the parking lot.

A professor of biology, Rao joined the Elon faculty in 1969. He died April 3.

Chaplain Richard McBride recalled Rao’s love for students and teaching. “It was the spirit with which he approached his teaching that won over his students. It was a deeply personal style that touched many people.” McBride also shared letters of remembrance from an April memorial service to honor Rao.

McBride offered a prayer of blessing for the bench. “Thank you, R.D. You were a treasure in our lives. Thank you for your spirit.”

Robert Vick, assistant professor of biology, recalled Rao’s sense of humor, his love of cooking, and the “tax” he would charge students and colleagues for borrowing pencils. He also displayed a framed picture of Rao, accompanied by a letter of tribute signed by nearly 50 students, faculty and staff. It hangs in the second floor biology lab in McMichael Science Building, a room still known as “R.D.’s lab,” Vick said.

Memorial benches are established for members of the university community who die during their tenure of service.