Board meeting summary

The Elon University Board of Trustees met on campus October 8-9, 2002, and took the following actions:

• Experienced engaged learning in the classroom by participating in one of three academic opportunities:

  • Applying technology to the performing arts with Professor William M. Webb
  • Public opinion polling with Dr. Sharon L. Spray
  • Undergraduate publishing and information design with Dr. Timothy A. Peeples

• Heard a report on law education and directed President Lambert to appoint a broad-based committee to study the feasibility of a school of law at Elon

• Learned that Chair Noel Allen would appoint a committee of trustees to conduct a Board self study

• Received a report on a revised faculty tenure/tenure-track system that will raise the percentage of tenure and tenure-track appointments to approximately 80% and learned that President Lambert has approved the phaseout of the professional track and approved new types of more mainstream non-tenure-track appointments

• Saw possible site plans for the Koury Business Center and learned that Trustee James Powell, M.D., has agreed to chair the Koury Business Center fund-raising campaign

• Heard an update on Elon’s Southern Conference athletic schedule

• Honored faculty holding named professorships:

  • James S. Bissett, William J. Story Sr. Professor of Southern History
  • Robert G. Blake, W.S. Long Professor of English
  • Janie P. Brown, Watts-Thompson Professor
  • David A. Copeland, A.J. Fletcher Professor
  • J. Earl Danieley, Thomas E. Powell Jr. Professor
  • Russell B. Gill, Maude Sharpe Powell Professor
  • Eugene B. Grimley, T.E. Powell Jr. Professor of Chemistry
  • Thomas S. Henricks, J. Earl Danieley Professor
  • Karl D. Sienerth, Japheth E. Rawls Professor for Undergraduate Research in the Sciences
  • John G. Sullivan, Maude Sharpe Powell Professor
  • Thomas K. Tiemann, Jefferson Pilot Professor

• Recognized emerging faculty scholars:

  • Crista L. Coles, A.L. Hook Emerging Scholar
  • Rebecca T. Peters, Distinguished Emerging Scholar