Ellis speaks at Plains Indian Seminar

Clyde Ellis, associate professor of history, was one of 12 invited speakers at the 26th annual Plains Indian Seminar, held Sept. 27-29 in Cody, Wyo. Details...

Ellis joined speakers from England, Canada and the United States at the seminar, hosted by the Buffalo Bill Historical Center. The seminar’s purpose is to assemble distinguished lecturers to present papers and exchange ideas in an effort to appreciate America’s native arts, cultures and history.

Ellis’ presentation, his second at the conference, was titled “We Don’t Want Your Rations, We Want This Dance: The Revitalization of Dance Culture on the Southern Plains, 1880-1930.” The speech came from his forthcoming book “We Are a Dancing People: A History of Southern Plains Powwows,” which will be published in 2003 by the University Press of Kansas.

To view the seminar program, visit the Web site below