Elon admissions video wins CASE award

The Elon admissions video has received a bronze award from CASE International in the 2001 Circle of Excellence Award competition. Details...

The video, titled “The Elon Experience,” was produced by:

  • Nan Perkins, vice president for institutional advancement
  • Susan Klopman, dean of admissions and financial planning
  • John Keegan, associate director of admissions
  • Susan Semonite, former assistant dean of admissions

They worked in cooperation with Lothner Communications, a video production firm in Atlanta, Ga. The video includes interviews with many Elon faculty, staff and students. Video shot by students from Elon’s School of Communications was also included in the production.

The video was completed in fall 2000 and has been highly successful in educating prospective students and their parents about Elon’s outstanding programs and campus community.