@Elon debuts online

@Elon, the newsletter for Elon faculty and staff is now online. Read this note for a link to the site and details of the new publication...

The new electronic version will speed production and delivery, reach a wider audience (including students, parents, alumni and other members of the extended Elon community) and complement the growing information

resources on our award-winning Web site.

Each new @Elon issue will be posted at the beginning of the month. A special tab located at the top of the E-net! page will allow you to connect directly to the

page. Click here to read the February issue.

The new @Elon features include the following:

– E-people: Meet your colleagues and learn about their work, family,

hobbies and interests. This month: Michael Williams has learned to

expect the unexpected at Moseley Center.

– In the Spotlight: Learn about an Elon department and the important

role it plays in the Elon community. This month: Hear what Kate Hickey

and Chris Fulkerson have to say about the library’s first year.

– News & Notes: Professional accomplishments, presentations, conferences and all the news about the work and successes of Elon faculty and staff. Have some news you want to share? Just send us an e-mail from the link on the @Elon home page!

– Who’s New: New employees at Elon

– Proud Parents: Find out about the newest members of the Elon


– For Your Benefit: Important information from the Office of Human


– Upcoming Events

Since the new version of @Elon is online, you can read it wherever you

have Internet access. If you prefer a printed version or need a copy for

a friend or co-worker, just click Print in your browser. If you work in

a department with employees who do not have computer access, please

consider printing out the newsletter for others.

We hope you enjoy @Elon! If you have any ideas or comments, please send us an e-mail from the @Elon home page!

The @Elon Staff

Office of College Relations